Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cool Movies Jubby

Let me congratulate jubby on a great new site.  I have seen all of the movies on his list and I suspect the list will grow!   Any film buff should familiarize themselves with the films of Stanley Kubrick.  Check out 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dr. Strangelove - polar opposites of genres, but genius without peer.  Spartacus is an essential movie classic, an introduction to the best of filmmaking of the 1960's.  Full Metal Jacket and A Clockwork Orange are as intense as movies come.   Of course, all directors have their lesser efforts.  Eyes Wide Shut was too long, too slow and the beginning of the decline of Tom Cruise.  But being Kubrick means bringing out the best in even poor scripts.  The scenes at the party are vivid with anticipation with staccato piano underscoring the cinematography.   Lastly, The Shining was the one movie that took me three times to watch before I sat through the entire film.  Take notice folks - Kubrick movies are thoughtful, visionary and classic.  -

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, Jubby! I'll be following..and I can't wait until 2001. Dr. Strangelove after that, I hope???
