Saturday, April 25, 2009

2001 A Space Odyssey

2001 A Space Odyssey is a movie directed by one of the most talented directers of a time Stanley Kubrick. The movie was also written by one of the most famous sci fi writers of time Arthur C. Clark with his co-writer Stanley Kubrick. The movie was released in 1968 and was consider to be so visionary at that time for the special effects. The movie is mostly silent with limited talking and thats what make this movie so great with scene of before man with the monkeys. Also in space with the only sound you here is breathing. But thats just the half of it there are so many great thjings kubrick did to this movie.

Chapters of the movie
(contains spoilers)

Chapter 1: The Dawn of Man
This part of the film has no dialoge, all the characters are primeapes. The movie starts out with scenes of the desert and show apes in colonies trying to live. A group of apes haveing a hard time and tring to protect thereselves from predators such as a leopard who attacks a Ape as the others try to escape of the terror in hopes not to get attacked. The leopard only gets one and kills it, all the others run as they witness their friend dieing.
Next they group of apes come across a water hole where there are other apes drinking from it. as they try to get water the other group of apes dont allow it. So the apes go away in thrist. Later the apes go to bed and when they wake up they they find something strange so they go check it out. As the apes check it out and start touching it, as if they are little children who dont understand, the black block does something to them. One ape who touched it found bones and picked one up and started hiting the bones as if it now know how to kill with a weapon. The the apes go to the the water hole to get there ravenge and kill the apes who drove them out. At that The end the leader ape Throws the bone up in the air and the scene transfers to space.
The meaning of the chapter was that Stanely Kubrick made it as if the apes at first didn't know how to kill with weapons and didn't know what to do when they got attack by predators. So Kubrick made it as aliens came down and put a black block A.K.A Monolifth and as the apes touched it they learned how to kill.
Chapter 2:
(contain spoilers)
Let me keep this brief, this chapter starts as the ape throws the bone up in the air and it transfers to Space. This Chapter follows the creater of the Discovery 1, Dr. heywood R. Floyd played by William Sylvester and his travel to the moon for a discovery of the first alien finding on a planet the monolifth. As he makes his way to the moon this is were Kubrick did some cool stuff like the flight attendant walking in a circle that spins all the way around and with no gravity she goes upside down as she walks to the upstairs. Dr. Floyd then goes to a conference and later heads to the monolifth. As the group heads down to the monolifth and start examining it, there's a lound noise and then the movie blanks out.
Chapter 3: Jupiter mission
final capter: Jupitar and beyond the infinite
Dave: Open the pod bay doors hal.
HAl: Im sorry dave but im afraid i cant do that
and im sorry but the next to chapters are classified information!!!!
just watch to find out.
This movie is A 10/10 for me.
Watch this film!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

X Men Origins: Wolverine. Opening may 1st 2009

This is a preview of what to come of the next comic book film this year and what looks like to be a very interesting one in fact. As some of you may know that this movie has been leaked online but please don't go and find it wait till its in theaters. There is a weird problem with this movie is that Wolverine is suppose to be 178 years old or some thing like that. Anyway  it looks cool and very interesting. The Movie is said to be 107 minutes long, and starring Hugh Jackman
Go to for Trailer and info on this movie.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunshine: *** out of ****

Sunshine is a sci-fi movie, about a group a scientist/astronauts on a voyage to re light our drying sun. But while on the way they run into some trouble. Its the old voyager Icarus 1, that tried to do the same thing in the past but fail and it was lost for several years. So on the path to their mission they realize that they don't have enough oxygen to return home. So they have this idea to go to Icarus 1 to see if they have oxygen, and to check for survivors. But little do they something bad will happen, and you'll have to see the movie to find out. Here Let me give you a clue it's kind of like the movie Event Horizon. The movie is Directed by Danny Boyle, who also did 28 days later, and the oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire. The movie stars, Cillian Murphy as Capa,and Ros Byrne as Cassie. The movie is rated R (Violent content, Language), and is 107 minutes long. 
For more information go to, there is a link down at the bottom of the site. Ok so let me get the point straight the over all movie is good. There are some parts at the end that don't make sense and drag on for a while. But that doesn't mean it's not a good movie the effects are great, like the times when you see the sun. For example 4 of the parts on Icarus 2'S shield are down and two crew members have to fix it. which result in the captain of the ship getting engulfed by a massive wave of fire, and the other crew member capa gets away just in time. That was probably the coolest part in the movie for me that is. Danny Boyle does a great job directing it. Like there are some shots of the sun when they are in a sun proof room which allows them to see the flames of the sun, and when you increase the rays of the sun you Burn to death.(spoiler) One says that he saw the face of god in the sun and it told him something. The screenplay is fantastic and the acting is pretty good. But the only problem was it just is very underrated, so i suggest this movie to people who like sci-fi. Trust me you'll find it very interesting and pretty cool.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Evil Dead

This movie is a true work of art and is said to be one of the best horror movies of the 1980's. It's The Evil Dead, made in 1981 this movie is to be considered one of the top 100 greatest films of all time. Now even though it's low budget, that doesn't mean it's not good. In Fact Stephen King called it "the most ferociously original horror film of the year!" Besides that, on the other side it shot up Director Sam Raimis' career. Raimi did the sequels to The Evil Dead, and the Spiderman series and because of that he has become really successful. Oh! and don't forget the most important thing about this Post,  it's the one and only Bruce Campbell! He played the main character named Ash in the film Evil Dead. This film is about a group of young adults who go camping at this strange cabin out in the middle in the woods, only to stumble on a book called "The Necronomicon."  Because of this book strange evil events take place around them and the only hope is for Ash to save the day. So this movies series of The Evil Dead is what made Bruce Campbell famous today and now he is called the king of B movie actors. So check this movie out. I give it **** out of **** stars, well probably because it's my favorite movie of all time. What do you think!
So check it out and remember "hail to the king baby!"

Cool Movies Jubby

Let me congratulate jubby on a great new site.  I have seen all of the movies on his list and I suspect the list will grow!   Any film buff should familiarize themselves with the films of Stanley Kubrick.  Check out 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dr. Strangelove - polar opposites of genres, but genius without peer.  Spartacus is an essential movie classic, an introduction to the best of filmmaking of the 1960's.  Full Metal Jacket and A Clockwork Orange are as intense as movies come.   Of course, all directors have their lesser efforts.  Eyes Wide Shut was too long, too slow and the beginning of the decline of Tom Cruise.  But being Kubrick means bringing out the best in even poor scripts.  The scenes at the party are vivid with anticipation with staccato piano underscoring the cinematography.   Lastly, The Shining was the one movie that took me three times to watch before I sat through the entire film.  Take notice folks - Kubrick movies are thoughtful, visionary and classic.  -